On Wednesday, August 7th we had our 2nd RSKA Black Belt reunion. We had twenty Black Belts show up for the occasion. Two of RSKA's first ever class of Black Belts from 2009 showed up too! One of the highlights of the evening were Mr. Thomas and Ms. Hannah (brother and sister) receiving promotions in front of all the Black Belts. They have been Black Belt for one year and met all the requirements to be promoted to 1st Degree Black Belts.
Everyone had the opportunity to catch up on current or former college experiences, new careers and general life happenings. RSKA has promoted 60 Black Belts (to date) over the years hailing from Morgantown, Downingtown, Coatesville, Phoenixville, Malvern, Exton and the greater West Chester area.
By popular demand RSKA will now host an annual reunion for both former and current Black Belts in early August each year. We have already heard from a few "currently living out of state" old Black Belts that they will make the effort to come back into town for next year's event. It is as much satisfying to us to see someone achieve such a hi rank as Black Belt in martial arts. For those that are younger and move on from training we encourage them, and help them, go forth and earn their Black Belts in their respective careers etc.